
Assessing Ability to Pay Can Lower Prescreen Costs

Assessing Ability to Pay Can Lower Prescreen Costs

In response to the downturn of the economy,scarpe hogan, many consumers scaled back the amount of credit they were willing to use and consumer preferences shifted to the preference for debit. Now,Mbt Schuhe Koshi, as the economy sees more growth,hogan, consumers are beginning to become more comfortable with the thought of using credit again. Because of this, many financial institutions (FIs) are relying more heavily on the batch prescreen than in recent years to bring in new customers.

Not only has the consumer landscape changed,Mbt Sandalen Salama, but the regulatory environment has had FIs scrambling to comply with numerous new regulations that have been passed. One such regulation, called the CARD Act, contains a section that requires FIs to consider the consumer's ability to make the minimum payment on their credit card based on their income and debt obligations. Many institutions have implemented processes that assess the consumer's ability to pay into their decisioning logic, but what if an FI could comply with the CARD Act section and use it to reduce costs associated with the batch prescreen?

A batch prescreen usually involves obtaining a list of consumers that meet certain demographic requirements from one of the three bureaus. This list is compiled and a written offer to apply for the credit product is sent through the mail. Typical acceptance rates for this type of offer are lower than .3% which includes those consumers who respond to the offer, but don't always qualify in the end. The process of mailing out the offers is expensive and offers little return on investment (ROI) if the campaign doesn't result in obtaining long-term profitable customers.

Instead of simply obtaining a list of consumers that meet demographic requirements, FIs can determine whether consumers on the list have the ability to pay before the mailing goes out. This reduces the number of consumers on the list by eliminating those who wouldn't make it through the application process creating a more targeted effort. Creating a more effective list of consumers to receive offers enables FIs to reduce the cost of their prescreen efforts by sending fewer offers. More effective targeting leads to an increase in the percentage of consumers that accept the offer and are qualified which will,billige MBT Schuhe, in turn,mbt zum Verkauf, increase the ROI of the campaign.

By using ability to pay information that is required by law, FIs will not only comply with new regulations, but they will increase the effectiveness of their prescreen lists. Eliminating consumers that don't qualify will reduce the cost of a batch prescreen and increase the ROI of each prescreen campaign. As consumer preferences continue to shift back to credit,Mbt Fanaka GTX Schuhe Verkauf, banks need effective marketing efforts to bring in new customers.Related articles:

