
Anvisoft's Second Round Activity Result

Anvisoft's Second Round Activity Result

Today is an amazing day to ASD Beta Test participants. Fighting for 10 days in iPhone 4S Contest of Anvisoft,MBT Changa Schuhe, there comes out the result today.

As a new Internet security company, released Smart Defender last year. It is featured with proactive real-time protection,Mbt Schuhe Kipimo, rootkit removal and easy-to-use, so that we are definitely safe whenever, wherever and however we surf on the Internet. In order to expand its visibility, Anvisoft held and will hold activities irregularly.

Today Anvi Smart Defender provided the result in the activity. First, do you remember the rules of the activity?

Let review:

[b]Rules[/b]: Only test reports submitted before January 15, 2012 can be calculated as valid reports. Top two valuable test report owners will be rewarded an iPhone 4s respectively. No cheating. If you cheated on this test,MBT Schuhe Baridi, you will be disqualified. Winners will be announced on January 16, 2012. Post your test review and edit your review title as the format as "Your Name + Review Title".

[b]Note[/b]: The top two are determined by the number of votes and their test reports?value appraised by us.

Till now,MBT Shuguli Schuhe, there are two people for the first prize and two for the second prize. They are BaileyCalder and bartek and gain iPhone 4S respectively. Another two gain our second prize. They are Shadow and Amil and get ipod respectively.

During the ten days, it is surprise that there were only 4 users in the contest. It seems not to be positive. But Anvisoft promised its commitment. Although there did not have many people participate in it, its related staffs discussed in the whole company and made a decision, according to participants?valuable test result, useful feedback for further improvement,MBT Sini Schuhe, patience and warm-hearted participation.

In this beta test activity, more and more experts in security circle came to Anvisoft Forums. They provide many good comments and have treasure suggestions added. It is useful for Anvisoft to learn more in further improvement. Meanwhile, more and more people will know about Anvi Smart Defender. As said by one user of Anvi Smart Defender, Anvisoft will become one of the biggest hitter in the antimalware field.

Anvisoft will hold many users?activity irregularly in future. People who do not win in this activity can pay much attention to Anvisoft news or activities. Hope more and more users can not miss next opportunity.

Finally,Mbt Schuhe Haraka, send my sincere congratulations on BaileyCalder, bartek,Mbt Sandalen Katika, Shadow and Amil. The result can be visited in Forums, Anvisoft in Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile their test reports can be publicly seen in Anvisoft Forum.


