
Acorn Tattoos Design And History


Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.?The acorn has long been valued for its potential strength and virility, and was a widespread symbol of regeneration. From the little acorn springs the mighty oak,see more, prompting various cultures to see in it the qualities of fecundity and patience, and urging those who start small projects to persevere.

In ancient cultures, the acorn was taken as a talisman to ward off evil spirits. In Britain, to carry around an acorn meant long life, good luck,read more, and guidance when lost. Old English folklore says that a woman who carried an acorn on her person kept wrinkles at bay. For Thor,HOGAN VALENCIA DONNA ARGENTO NERO, the Norse god of thunder, the oak was sacred because it withstood lightning strikes. The acorn subsequently became associated with protection from storms. Keeping an acorn on the window sill was recommended for just this purpose.

The acorn motif is found in ancient statues and carvings ?on Greek statues of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and on the necklace of her Roman equivalent,chick here, Diana. Celtic goddesses also liked the acorn for its association with fertility and immortality.

The oak has long been associated with England, and its fruit, the acorn, frequently showing up in heraldry as a symbol of antiquity and strength. Shown with leaves, the acorn represents new growth and development. Beloved by royalty, the acorn was embroidered into cloth as symbols of fertility and life. Perhaps no one appreciated the acorn more than Charles II, who, after defeat in battle, successfully concealed himself in an oak tree. The ancient Druids believed oak trees were home to fairies, and today the acorn remains a favourite image in woodland tales. If youe an elf, youe probably depicted of wearing an acorn cap. 相关的主题文章:

